Monday, May 31, 2010

The First Red One

I took in Delinquent Dogz on the way home from my parents in the Midlands, not intending to compete at all...well, perhaps just give Corkscrew his annual airing.....but I was in time for the Level 2/3 Jumping (KC Grades 4 to 7) as well so decided to put Bryn in too....and he won!! So, his first First!! I've made it clear to him that I now expect many more to follow........
Corker had a good time, but kept tripping over the low poles in his class...bless him!


  1. Well done Bryn (and handler of course). If he is grade 4 then has he not won before?

  2. Hi Rob,
    I opted to promote Bryn from 3 to 4 on points as we are both better and more focused on the more technical courses, rather than the simple ones you tend to get at Grade 3 - and it has paid off at every show, KC or otherwise, that I have attended this year, but this is the first Red One!

  3. Well done on the red one, lovely boy!
