Corker has always been a wannabe car chaser. Even in a head collar, he can lunge and turn complete cartwheels in his attempt to get at the cars - not nice, not safe, but pretty spectacular to watch!
So, I decided to have yet another go at teaching him the Car Game. Corker is a reflective chap, so I reckoned that by now - nearly 9 years old - he might have sussed out the rules of the game.....and he has.
So what happens is: Corker sees/hears car; Corker sits squarely in front of me gazing into my eyes as car goes past (I would rather he was to the side but I'll settle for this as an improvement on cartwheels); Corker gets treat! Having a long Christmas break, with far fewer cars than usual on the roads, has helped a lot.
Corker has learned the game so well that he has now tried to add in another rule - Corker sees parked car; Corker sits in front of me so I can't walk past; Corker hopes he might get a treat! As the road is residential with lots of cars parked outside the houses, Corker has plenty of opportunity to try to teach me this extension of the Car Game....
Nice try Corks - but it won't work!
Happy new Year to everyone!