Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wet Lakeland......

In amongst the sunshine, hail, showers and strong winds I discovered that I need to feed Bryn more.....
He was driving over the dog walk into his down contact - about 6 inches from the contact - when a huge gust of wind picked him up, floated out his coat, and deposited him gently on his feet, in his perfect 2o2o position, about a foot to the far side of the contact. I don't know who was the most surprised: the judge, who froze and exclaimed 'The wind just picked him up!'; me, who froze and exclaimed 'He's just been blown off!'; or Bryn who held his postion perfectly but kept looking at the end of the contact as if not quite sure how it had got over there to the side instead of under his feet!!
No damage done (except to our fairly good chances in the class) as I ran him over that section of the course again, with the judge's permission, and he still powered it - little star!!

1 comment:

  1. omg!! lol...he's obviously inherited his mothers' lovely slimline build rather unlike his sister who's a bit of a chunk at the moment!! (oh dear)

    Glad there was no harm done :)
