Thursday, September 03, 2009

Best Laid Plans...

The plan was:
Enter Chatsworth on Friday, and High Peak at nearby Bakewell Showground on Saturday and Sunday. After negotiations, arranged to stay overnight Thursday night at Bakewell so that I could get up at a civilised time on Friday, and tootle the 10 miles or so to Chatsworth. Simples!!
Best laid plans, and all that!!!
The remnants of Hurricane David (or some such) hit the British Isles on Wednesday, bringing torrential rain and gales to the north of the country. Rang High Peak on Thursday morning - was there any danger of the show being cancelled? Told that I could park on the hard standing next to the clubs' caravans to ensure I could get away Friday morning - sorted! So even if the showgorund was waterlogged, I'd be all right jack!
Packed the camper and set off for a blustery drive to Bakewell. Got to the showground road - just a river where the approach road should be. I could see the caravans on the far side, but there was no way I could drive the camper through the water to get there.... and would I ever get off again in the morning? Rang the show organisers who confirmed the inevitable - Show cancelled.
So, multi-point turn on the road and set off back the way I'd come. Wait a sec! I'd have to go past Chatsworth, so worth calling in to see what the state of play was there.....via the great Chatsworth Farm Shop Restaurant of course. Well, I needed a consolation meal for having driven all that way for nothing!
At Chatsworth the car park was closed - already impassable - but I knew how to get to our usual show spot inside the Country Fair grounds. No sign of the organisers, but the ring looked pretty wet, with the agility equipment standing forlornly in the middle. There was a huge pool of water alongside the ring, and it was evident that the usual car parking places for us were not going to be available this time.
The SatNav took me home via the scenic route, which would have been wonderful except that I was driving a high sided camper in gale force gusts of wind. Got home to the news that, so far as anyone knew, Chatsworth was still scheduled to go ahead.
So, unpacked the camper; packed the car; fuelled the car; and now I'm watching anxiously for confirmation/cancellation to be announced before I start the whole journey again - at some silly hour of the morning! It had better be worth-while....Bryn!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounds like my weekend last week...had planned the perfect itinery to take in two flyball tournaments over the three days, down to the last tiny logistical detail only for the van to break down so I ended up coming home on Sunday night and spending the bank holiday pottering around the house! (which was actually quite nice)

    Good luck this pressure Bryn!! lol
