Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Just where did the last one go?? Blink and you missed it!

This was the first New Year's Eve without Meg. For 14 years she was terrified by fireworks, trying to dig holes in the bath to escape from them, or trying to sit on top of my head .... she was so scared. The other dogs thought she was fair game at these times, which made things worse for all of us.
This year there was ...... reaction at all. It was bliss.
Bless you Meg, but it certainly was a pleasanter New Year's Eve without your terror....probably for you too!

New Year Resolutions:
Enjoy my dogs and their 'work'
Keep things in perspective
Recognise and achieve the potential that I have and that each of my dogs has.

What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. She looks like she was a lovely girl
    I have just had my 1st new year with a noise sensitive dog so I totaly understand
    The poor things, I wish we could make them understand
    On the other hand Ben and his friend Griff loved watching the fireworks!! - weird dogs
