Friday, January 23, 2009

Training Last Night

Was depressing and frustrating! I looked at every exercise and thought confidently: 'Yes, we can do that - just position here, move there, cue like this' etc And each time it fell apart unexpectedly. As the evening went on, I got worse, Bryn got slower, and then decided he was having more fun visiting other handlers and dogs than being with me. And he hasn't done that since he was a pup!
So, the high hopes I had for Sunday's NAWS show are somewhat more tempered now, and my confidence in my little boy is dented, to say nothing of my confidence in my handling. I really must remember that on Wedenesday both Bryn and Amber were working well, and can do so again.....
Flyball for both tomorrow, weather permitting.

1 comment:

  1. Oh his sister is just the same. The more I get it wrong and make her do it again the more disinterested she becomes and starts looking for distractions. I've found that if I just carry on and praise her when it's ME that's made the mistake (and let's face it, it always is me lol) she still thinks she's done good and keeps her enthusiasm up. One thing Faith really likes to do is show off so the more she thinks she's dead good at something the harder she'll try at it. Funny little beast!! lol

    How did you get on at flyball training and NAWS then?
