Monday, March 09, 2009


Sunday afternoon Bryn and I went training with Janet Nero. It wasn't bad, but didn't exactly go as planned....
I went early so I could do some start line training outdoors on my own before the indoor session began. So it hailed and rained and I went to have a coffee instead.....
I had gone with the intention of trying to get back into a competition frame of mind, and out of the puppy-training mind-set. Janet had similar ideas for us, as she began by applying some pressure - a £10 refund for the person with the fastest clear round on the mini-course! I don't respond well to pressure - I already provide enough internal pressure of my own, and obvious attempts to pressure me lead to me opting out. So, instead of being competitive, I very deliberately put in a training round - doh!!! And once in that mind-set, I couldn't get out of it - damn!
BUT the boy did some good stuff - kept his start lines (yay!!!); nailed his contacts, easy-peasy weaves each time; layered - all good stuff - took the 'out' command a little too literally (oops!); the 'steady' work led to a complete stop - maybe need to lighten up on that command a touch LOL!; and he didn't eat too much of the wooden chipping that makes up the floor surface.... I got a chance to refresh some handling, not recently having a dog that would work away from me so well as Bryn, particularly some shaping through spaces.
Came home pleased with the boy, less pleased with my mental attitude though.
See Rob's account of the same session at

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